Video #12 Interview with Mark Duhamel,

Mark Duhamel, MS, AEMP, and graduate of the Shiatsu Massage School of California (1992) shares his experience with Dr. Kaneko. His wife, Deanna Minich, PhD makes a brief appearance

Video #11 Dr. Kaneko’s  Shiatsu Anma Therapy, July 5, 2022

Learn a little about our specialty, Shiatsu Anma Therapy, and our classes.

Video #10 Dr. Kaneko’s  Shiatsu Anma Therapy, June 29, 2022

Learn about the healing art founded by Dr. DoAnn Tsuneo Kaneko. Hear from a few of his past students, about how he changed their lives, those they treat, and the new direction of Kaneko Healing Arts.

Video #9 Dr. Kaneko’s  Transcendental Guided Meditation, May 4 2022

We smile when we are happy, and cry when we are sad. We go through good times and bad times in our lives. It is inevitable to go through various types of emotional, mental, and physical pain as we grow old and age. What we need in this transition are three treasures. These are wisdom, compassion, and vital force – Qi.

I have cultivated a brilliant way to awaken these three treasures through a transcendental guided meditation using the chakras, Dantian breathing (abdominal breathing), and my formulas of affirmations, which once practiced, are accessible in your innate pharmacies within. These affirmations are very safe, natural, and powerful for stress management, boosting the immune system, and anti-aging. It does not cost a penny. But you need one key to access this natural medicine.

As you use these formulas regularly with abdominal breathing, you will be able to transform not only your physical but mental, and emotional poison into healing. Each formula has a profound message to attain unconditional happiness.

May your journey continue to bring you love, peace, and happiness.


Video #8 Boosting the Immune System Class Promo, February 18, 2022

Join us for the second part of our Boosting Your Immune System webinar! Learn applicable techniques and theory to protect you from colds and viruses. Dr. Kaneko, a doctor of Chinese medicine and healing practitioner for over 50 years will teach this online Zoom class based upon the integration of Energetic and Quantum medicine.


⚜️Lecture: The Immune System According to Western Medicine

* Our immune system response
* Intestinal battlefield
* Medicinal Foods & Eating Habits
* Daoyin 2 – Strengthening Two Master Channels
* Shaking, Squatting, Laughter Exercises
* Qigong 2 – For Triple Heater, Lung
* Dantian Breathing 2 – Microcosmic Orbit
* Breathing – Guided Meditation
* Qigong Meditation
Date: Saturday, February 26th, 9-12pm PST
Time: 9:00am-12:00pm Pacific Standard Time
Early bird special Fee: By February 21, $55
After Feb 21: $60
Register with a Friend Special: $45 each
Deadline to register: Thursday, February 24

Video #7 Kaneko Tree Qigong, February 5, 2022

My Tree Qigong presents the life cycle of the tree from the seed in the ground in the wintertime to the falling leaves of autumn. Before spring, new life starts. When the Yin energy of the universe reaches the maximum quantity and quality, it converts to the opposite energy of Yang. The same thing happens with Yang energy converting to Yin energy. Now the seeds in the fruit are the results of the growing Yang energy  transforming into the next generation.

When seeds are dropped onto the ground in autumn, the next life cycle begins. This is the divine never-ending birth-death cycle. There are constant changes in the universe as the season turns but this divine order is consistent and never changes.  It is very paradoxical but it is a true phenomenon. Our life is eternal as this birth to death cycle never ceases.

You will feel these wonderful changes of your Qi when you engage in vital Dantian breathing. These constant changes of rebirthing and renewing continue occurring with every breath you take from the Dantian. It promises excellent Qi and Blood transformation on a cellular level when you integrate your body, mind, and spirit.

Enjoy harmony with the great universe as you practice in the middle of nature such as in the forest. it is a tremendous healing experience. The limitless nature heals our body, mind, and spirit. It is also a great experience to hug trees and get the essence of a tree’s long life and miraculous energy.

My friends, please remember that integration of Body, Mind, and Spirit is the key to unconditional happiness and excellent health.

To learn more about this stance, one of 8, you can purchase DoAnn’s Qigong DVD here.  We also include Qigong in our next Immune Boosting webinar which incorporates other healing modalities as well.

Video #6 Boosting the Immune System Class Promo January 14, 2022


Join us for our next webinar!

The flu, cold and other viruses are rapidly spreading as we move through winter and cold climates. Are you well prepare? Learn from Dr. Kaneko, a doctor of Chinese medicine and healing practitioners for over 50 years as he shares his knowledge and experiences through applicable techniques and theory. This online class is based upon the integration of Energetic and Quantum medicine.

Class I

Lecture: The Immune System According to Eastern Medicine
* Changing your constitution to boost your immune system
* Healing Paradigm / Integration of Mind, Body and Spirit
* Three realms of your microcosm

* Liandan – Pelvic Floor Exercise
* Daoyin 1- Caring for of Our Major Organs
* Qigong 1 – For the Kidney and Heart Energetic System
* Dantian Breathing 1- Taoist Way and Breath of Fire
* Faith Healing & Chakra

Date: Saturdays, January 29
Time: 9:00am-12:00pm Pacific Standard Time
Early bird special: Jan 21, $55
After Jan 21: $60
Sign up with a friend: $45
Deadline to register: Monday, January 24
To register: Send a paypal payment to

To learn more about Dr. Kaneko and Alan Saruwatari, visit

We hope to see you there!

Video #5, Happy 2022! January 4, 2022


2022 is the year of the Tiger!

According to Taoism, people born in the Tiger year are considered the avenging servants of justice. They keep evil spirits away and guard divine providence. Tiger year people are lively and cheerful, and they love freedom and independence.

The” tiger” is among the traditional exercises of the Five Animal Movements created by the famous first surgeon and acupuncturist Hua Tou. In performing this stance you can expect to gain a commanding spirit, feel like a leader and take prompt action. Interestingly, in Chinese medicine, “Tiger Balm’ is also well known for pain management.

Do you know some of the notable Tiger year people? Queen Elizabeth II, Marilyn Monroe, Tom Cruise, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, and Lady Gaga, are all Tigers year people.

If you were born in 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, or 2010, your sign is a Tiger.

Alan: The New Year’s day celebration is significant in Japanese Culture. Kaneko Sensei, how do you celebrate it?

Dr. Kaneko: First of all, we used to have a wonderful 3 day new year holiday. I remember when the big city of Tokyo totally transformed into a very clean, peaceful and happy place. It was an amazing change.

It is the time of starting a new life with a new fresh body, mind and spirit. Therefore cleansing ourselves and the home is a prerequisite to welcoming the Happy New Year. People become very busy with a last big push in cleaning their home from corner to corner and getting rid of unnecessary things.

Then we have the last meal of the year with a simple Toshikoshi Soba noodle

Alan : What is Toshikoshi soba ?

Dr. Kaneko: Toshikoshi means “to kill off the year”, so we eat it at the end of the year.

And did you know Alan, that the Buckwheat noodle which is long, symbolizes long life and longevity!  The buckwheat noodle is healthy food.  Indeed, there is even a chain restaurant that specializes in Buckwheat Noodles and its name is Longevity restaurant.

It’s such a simple meal to prepare after all of the efforts taken to clean and prepare for the coming year.

Buckwheat noodles have the following benefits:

Good Source of Thiamin, High in Protein, High in Soluble Fiber, Supports Cardiovascular Health, Helps Control Blood Sugar, Low in Fat, Free of Gluten. A Prebiotic Food

Alan : How do you remember spending New Year’s Day in Japan ?

Dr. Kaneko : Well, Alan, instead of having a party with champagne, we are ready to listen to the nearby Buddhist Temple’s bell ringing at 12:00 midnight. A monk rings a giant bell with a big attached stick precisely 108 times!

Now my friends, these are the beads I use for Buddhist chanting and prayers. How many beads does it have? It also has 108 beads.

Alan: Why 108 times and not 100 times ?

Dr. Kaneko :  108 is a very special number to purify the worldly desires that cause pain and suffering.

This number helps to transform fundamental darkness into enlightened awareness. It helps to purify stagnation.

Alan: I remember Kaneko Sensei, you mentioned 108 in treating our own abdomen.

Dr. Kaneko : Yes, indeed, guess what my friend, I massage my abdomen by rubbing it clockwise 108 times every day, twice a day. Doing this makes the DNA in my gut happy, preventing constipation.  This is called Anpuku healing.

Alan: Did your family visit somewhere on New Year’s Day?

Dr. Kaneko: In the morning of New Year’s Day, many folks continue a special kind of ritual of praying for the rising sun and visit a Buddhist temple or Shinto Shrine.

They would also pray for a peaceful, healthy and happy year to come. I remembered my parents used to bring my brother and I to the nearby shrine in Tsukiji Fish market. It was a divine moment, my friends

Alan : What kind of special foods did you eat on New Year Day?

Dr. Kaneko : Yes, we have traditional dishes with Sake drinks. It is called Osechi dishes.

Osechi dishes are mostly combinations of healthy cooked vegetables, beans, fishes and pickled foods.  And each ingredient signifies something special in welcoming a New Year. Osechi comes in an assortment of colorful dishes packed together in special boxes.  The common ingredients are the following: herring roe, shrimp, salmon, yellowtail, fish cake, many pickle foods like daikon and carrot,  chrysanthemum, turnip, lotus roots, burdock roots, black soybean, chestnut with sweet potato,  sashimi-raw fish slices.

The Osechi set can be purchased at Nijiya Market or Markai in West LA. At Nijiya market, they have 3 kinds of Osechi sets: small, medium, and large. You can find it on their website here. You need to order it at least one week in advance before December 31st. They also sell buckwheat soba and its sauce, as well as sushi and sashimi plates.

Ingredients Meaning:

Herring Roe (Kazunoko) – Fertility. The large number of eggs is thought of as a lucky charm that people eat for lots of offspring.

Prawns (Kurumaebi) – Long life

Fish cake (Kamoboko) – Good Fortune and celebration. Red and white are auspicious colors in the Japanese flag. Made of surimi

Pickled carrot and daikon radish (Kohaku namasu) – Peace. Colors represent the celebratory colors of  Japan.

Lotus root (Renkon) –Foreseeable good future. This is because you can look clearly through the holes of this

Burdock root (Gobo) – Physical & inner strength, life of stability. Burdock root are known to have strong roots and are difficult to cut down.

Candied chestnut with sweet potato (Kurikinton) – Wealth. The gold color looks like gold nuggets or coins.

Sweetened black soybean (Kuromame) – Health and the ability to work hard during the year.

Dr. Kaneko: Now, Alan, you also enjoy another popular dish called Ozoni in Happy New Year, don’t you? Can you share your family traditional Ozoni ?

Alan: “ I love Ozoni in New Year ‘s breakfast. Ozoni or お雑煮 is a special Japanese New Year’s soup made with a light miso or kombu dashi based broth, vegetables and mochi (rice cakes). The perfect hearty, nourishing and satisfying soup to kick off the new year! They are often Vegan and Gluten-Free.

Dr. Kaneko : Yes, thank you for sharing it, Alan.

Alan: You are welcome, Now, I was told that rice was rare and expensive in the old days.
Dr. Kaneko : I do not know how long ago but ordinary people may have not been able to have white rice every day. So it was said that people made mochi out of rice only once a year on New Year’s Day.  Relatives gathered and pounded mochi together.

The mochi was then cut into small pieces and used in ozoni as well as in other dishes. Cutting mochi into pieces is like sharing happiness with others.

Alan: I love Japanese desserts along with these dishes.

Dr. Kaneko:  You mean Oshiruko. Yes, it is a red bean soup with toasted rice cake. It is one of the best desserts during the wintertime in Japan.

My friends, we hope you can visit Japan someday and experience these wonderful New Year’s celebrations.

Let us pray that the year of Tiger 2022 will be another winning year over any difficulties with our wisdom, compassion and vital Qi.

Domo Arigato Gozaimashita. Matane. So long. Sayonara

Alan : Thank you very much watching this episode of special dishes for a wonderful happy new year celebration!h4>Video #4, Winter Foods, December 15, 2021


Video #4, Winter Foods. December 15, 2021

My friends, have you ever thought about the mysteries of the universe, why it remains in harmony after all? Chinese wise medicine men figured it out. There are five elements in the universe and in our life within. Each element interacts in 2 ways: 1. A positive influence, which is for example wood causing fire, 2. A negative influence, which is for example water extinguishing fire. Because of these 2 positive and negative powerful relationships, the universe remains in balance and harmony. My friends, this is a key to realizing and guiding good health.

My friends, I am preparing winter foods based on the 2 elements of Metal and Water among 5 elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Most both white-colored and spicy foods are beneficial to the Lungs and Large Intestine energetic system. Most both black colored and salty foods strengthen the kidney and urinary bladder. Now in TCM, Metal nature is the mother of water, it creates the water nature in the positive cycle in the 5 elements transformation as I explained above. It is very beneficial to provide Metal nature foods for the Water energetic system.  If you apply only Metal neutral foods for the lung, and Large Intestine, it is limited and not getting full benefits. When the condition is chronic, we need to involve other elements of nature like this case.

We want to eat these medicinal foods that are prebiotic and enzyme-rich. These foods are extremely important for the good bacteria in our gut.  I always use many foods that have anti-inflammatory,  antioxidant, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties. Therefore these foods are excellent to boost our immune power against cancer as well as having an anti-aging effect. You want to use them for when you are overweight, or have diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, constipation, skin isssues, joint pain and many more.

These foods are often made up of phytochemicals. Therefore It is very important to mention that we should not boil these vegetables for an extended time. Just drop them at the end of cooking or after being boiled covered by the lid. The same case with miso paste. Add it in each bowl and pour soup over it. Otherwise, boiling kills all these benefits of prebiotics and enzymes.

Alan Saruwatari: What are examples of prebiotic foods ? 

Prebiotic foods we used in this video are dark vegetables like Chrysanthemum, spinach, garlic, ginger, leeks, mushrooms, lemon, berries, soybeans products, and tofu. Now I won’t use it today, but even bananas and honey are prebiotics.

AS: What kind of cooking ware is this? 

We use the most traditional and safe cooking ware called Donabe, made out of clay and much safer than heavy metal utensils.

AS: What kind of Ingredients do you use? 

#1 We use ocean products: 

 * Fishes I use salmon but you can use, cod, bass, sardines, mackerel, swordfish, bluefish,, and, tilapia, catfish, and snapper.
 * Seaweeds: wakame, hijiki, konbu, mozuku

#2 Beans: azuki (red) beans, black beans

#3 Root vegetables: Japanese mountian yam, ginger, garlic, carrot, gobo (burdock)

#4  Dark green vegetables: spinach, shungiku (chrysanthemum) or Mizuna, komatsuna, japanese leek


Japanese leek

#5 Mushroom: shiitake, maitake, reishi mushroom (cancer treatment)



#6 Other low calorie medicinal foods :  konjac & shirataki (from yam root ), tofu (soy)



AS: What kind of Seasoning do you use ? 

I use ponzu & Yuzu shoyu – citric soy sauce, lime or lemon, sake wine or red wine,  ginger, and garlic

Yuzu Shoyu

I prepared toppings:  A mix of grated daikon, shiso leaf, ginger, lemon and garlic. When you put these boiled foods in your bowl, add the following medicinal dips. (Raw egg is optional)


AS: What are the other main dishes? 

I cooked my sticky rice of brown rice with azuki beans, black seeds & sea salt spread with nori dry seaweed and shiso leaf. Sticky rice is used for Sushi’s role.

I also use a combination of flax seeds, Chia seeds, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds (the raw better)

Miso soup seasoning with bonito flake and konbu and konjac, tofu & scallion

I prepare a dip: Umeboshi

AS: What are the desserts

Medicinal benefits of foods I used in this dish.

1. Salmon

* Assists in proper thyroid function. Studies have shown that selenium helps protect bone health, decreases thyroid antibodies in people with autoimmune thyroid disease, and may reduce the risk of cancer

* Astaxanthin is an antioxidant found in salmon that may benefit heart, brain, nervous system, and skin health

* Salmon is quite high in potassium. Potassium helps manage your blood pressure. It also reduces your risk for stroke and is good for cardiovascular health

* Promotes brain health

* Enhances eyesight
* Fights joint inflammation

2. Brown rice has no gluten and is one of the most important grains in macrobiotic dishes. It was known as one of the therapeutic grains for cancer treatment and other medical conditions in macrobiotic diets.  When you chew well it is excellent for digestion and vitalizing Qi.

3. Shitake mushroom (Xian Gu) activates the immune system in cases of bacterial and viral infection with Coriolus, ABM, Reishi, Maitake.

4. Shiso leaf also known as perilla leaf is an aromatic herb from the same family as mint. Leaf extracts have shown antioxidant, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, antidepressant, and anorexigenic effects. It is very aromatic, tastes good and promotes digestion.


5. Shungiku : The beta-carotene in shungiku has an antioxidant action similar to one in carrots that help control free radicals and provides protection against cancer as well as having an anti-aging effect. The balance of nutrients in shungiku has been shown to be effective against arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure

6. Mizuna has been introduced to help conditions such as Anemia, Alzheimer’s,  Appendicitis, Bipolar Disorder, and Bronchitis. But we need to look for further research about its benefits that may include anti-aging, and prevention of cancer. Mizuna is an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamins.

7. Carrot :  You know carrots are vital for our health and shaped like Ginseng roots which have similar benefits. The fiber in carrots can help keep blood sugar levels under control. They also have an abundance of vitamin A and beta-carotene, which there’s evidence to suggest can lower your diabetes risk. Carrots have calcium and vitamin K, both of which are important for bone health and can strengthen your bones.

8. 牛蒡 (Niú Bàng) burdock is  an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, meaning that it is cancer-fighting. Today, it is used to treat a variety of skin problems, including psoriasis, eczema, contact dermatitis, and gout. There is also preliminary evidence that a burdock-based tea can treat cancer

9. Nagaimo is a Japanese Mountain Yam, also called torororimo. They are good for managing diabetes, improving women’s reproductive health,  supporting  and restoring the vital energy, qi, and increase yin energy, which is often linked to feminine qualities. It is considered to stimulate the spleen, lungs, and kidneys.

10. Konjac-yam and shirataki (which means white fall) are products out of Nagaimo and excellent low calorie, water-soluble (dietary fiber) foods.

11. Umeboshi is a pickled plum which helps to alleviate common digestive issues such as dyspepsia and bloating. The dietary fiber found in the fruit also adds bulk and roughage which ease the motion of stool and prevents constipation

12. Black sesame seeds: In traditional Chinese medicine, black sesame seeds have sweet and neutral properties, and are associated with the Kidney and Liver meridians. They function to tonify yin jing and blood, moisten the intestines, and help build the spirit or shen

13. Annin tofu (Almond or coconut jelly) and sometimes translated as almond tofu, is a soft, jellied dessert made of apricot kernel milk, agar, banana, or lychee.

14. Cinnamon is beneficial for cold feet, hot flashes in the face and colds. It may also help to regulate blood sugar level.

15. Cardamom may help fight bacteria and tumors, improve breathing and anxiety, and protect your liver.

16. Chestnuts and their nutrients may help improve heart health, blood sugar control, weight loss, inflammation, digestive health, and may have potential anti-cancer properties.

17. All other ingredients also have a lot of medical properties which I may share in the next video.

For information on our upcoming Boost Your Immune System webinar visit:


Please beware that some ingredients like soy products may not agree with your constitution and can be allergic to your system. Everyone has a different constitution and therefore different reaction.

Video #3, November 17, 2021

Alan: So Kaneko Sensei, what is qi gong and daoyin?

Dr. Kaneko:What is Qi Gong? Qi in Chinese means energy or life force, “Gong” means fostering. Qigong is the way to strengthen your life force and Daoyin is the way to pull in the cosmic Energy and guide it to your energetic system. Now Lung Qigong will open your chest cavity and bring in a protective and healing power

Dr. Kaneko: Are you ready, let’s dive in !!

Demonstration #1: Qigong for the Lungs and Kidney

Demonstration #2: Daoyin

Ok my friends! This time, let me introduce another powerful exercise, Daoyin for the Sanjiao, also known as Triple heater which regulates your metabolism. See my below charts. The first frontal chart shows pressure points, C.V.6,12,17 (conception vessel) and the back chart shows points G.V.4, 6, 11 (governing vessel).

Please keep practicing 3 things:

#1. Dantian breathing
#2. Twisting exercise
#3. Tapping the Sanjiao pressure points in the front and back.

It’s important to feel a release of stagnant energy. Let’s make it real by disciplined practice with resilient determination and faith. Please practice what you are learning as much as possible on a daily basis and share it with your people as it works well. Our goal is to get your Qi & Blood moving into your ECM (extra-cellular matrix) and make your DNA happy!

Alan: Wow, this was a great introduction to qigong and daoyin!

Dr. Kaneko::  Yes, my friends! You are learning 4,000 years of wisdom for your well-being similar in many respects to yoga.  My qigong is totally different from other forms of qigong in 3 ways. No one teaches Qigong this way. It is internal Kungfu. It doesn’t have graceful, showy movements with beautiful costumes.

It strengthens the internal organs by vigorous Yin contracting & Yang expanding forces with powerful Dantian breathing, pressure points and visualizing meridians.

Alan: To learn more about this stance, one of 8 taught in our Winter Qigong community classes click here.  We also include Qigong in our upcoming 2-day Immune Boosting class which incorporates other healing modalities you can find out about here.

Video #2, November 8, 2021

My Friends !! You will learn how to cultivate your own fighting power in your lovely tummy. This abdominal massage is called anpuku.

But before participating in any of our anpuku demonstrations, wait at least 30 minutes after eating. Please consult your doctor for advice if you are bleeding, or have any acute or severe infections and/or inflammation.

Because of Covid, and its variants like Delta, it is important that we learn ways to help support and strengthen our immune system. What we are about to teach is not meant to take the place of the vaccine or any other forms of treatment but complement them and by providing ways we can easily integrate it into our lives.

Shiats’anma therapy is 4,000 years old, not 400 years !!  Shi means finger, Atsu means pressure. means pressure too, Ma means rubbing. Combined we have Kaneko Shiats’anma, a powerful form of therapy applied along the meridian and pressure points to treat a variety of conditions.

Guess what ?! We have 365 pressure points on 12 major meridians in the body.

Today, let me introduce Kaneko Shiats’anma, and its Anpuku (in Japanese) abdominal treatment to enhance the immune system

You may ask, “How does working on the abdomen help boost my immune system?” My friends,  it works without a doubt!!

Dantian (Tanden in Japanese) is the secret field of longevity. It is a mysterious, miraculous and mighty energy center. I call it the invisible heart which generates invisible Qi that is your own natural healing power. Also I name it the roots of the kidney energy.

Indeed the small intestine has its own unique immune system called GALT (The gut-associated lymphoid tissue). The abdomen is also considered the second brain.  4 major benefits of anpuku are digestive, cleansing, immune-boosting and relaxing effects.

Demonstration #1
1 or 2 circles under the ribs above the pubic bone clockwise. You can count up to 108 times. 108 times is a very profound number you do not want to forget. 

Demonstration #2
Now, let’s add to this. Rub 7 times back and forth under the ribs and above the pubic bone like a diamond shape. 

Now let me introduce 4 Pressure Points for the G.I. (gastrointestinal) system, and immune system. These are, C.V. 12 above the navel for the stomach, C.V. 5  below the navel for the small intestine, left S.T. 25 for the descendant colon, and right S.T. 25 for the ascendent colon next to the navel. These 4 points are about 1 fist size distant from the navel.

Breathe in and exhale while you apply pressure for about 5 seconds. Move through the points 3 times.

Feel how things are changing in your abdomen. You need to feel the qi and blood moving in there.  Let’s make it real by disciplined practice with resilient determination and faith. Please practice on a daily basis and share it with your people as it works well. Our goal is to get your Qi & Blood moving into a microscopic cellular level through the ECM (extracellular matrix) and to make your DNA happy!

If you would like to learn more comprehensive methods on this topic, Kaneko Sensei will be teaching a series of 2 online classes on boosting your immune system naturally December 4th and 11th, 9:30 – 12:30pm PST. For more info visit:

Video #1, November 1, 2021
