
Kaneko Shiatsu Anma Classes

These classes are designed to further develop mastery in Kaneko Shiatsu Anma and require prior completion of the Kaneko Shiatsu Anma foundation class.  These classes will cover Dr. Kaneko’s DoAnn Long Form of Anma Short Form of Shiatsu and is a way to balance energy blockages. You will learn various techniques and methods for different areas of the body following a structured sequence that utilizes major pressure points and meridians, all within 4 different postures. As each area is covered, fundamental principles and techniques from prior days will be introduced. Shiatsu and Anma therapy is an excellent, alternative, safe and natural healing method which can improve pain and R.O.M.  Kaneko Shiatsu Anma is beneficial for massage therapy professionals, as well as other professional therapists including acupuncturists and anyone interested in learning this effective healing modality. Students must have basic knowledge of anatomy, physiology and meridians. The Entire Back & Hip Pain, Immune Boosting, Sand Stress Related Issues, Anxiety & Insomnia in person classes are approved by NCBTMB for 4 CEU’s each. We are in the process of submitting the rest of the classes.


Advanced Shiatsu Anma for Low Back Issues Including Sciatica, Piriformis and Hip Flexor Pain

In this class, you will have the opportunity to explore Dr. Kaneko’s comprehensive approach to healing, encompassing both the DoAnn Long Form of Anma and the Short Form of Shiatsu. Our goal is to balance energy blockages and alleviate a wide range of issues including common complaints like sports injuries, occupational injuries, the effects of aging, internal organ malfunctions, and stress-related factors. We also focus on addressing back and hip stiffness stemming from poor postural management, often associated with activities such as prolonged computer use. Our approach is entirely non-invasive, avoiding the need for medications or injections. Instead, we harness the body’s natural healing abilities through precise pressure point techniques and meridian therapy, effectively reducing pain and enhancing your range of motion (R.O.M).

Throughout the course, you will acquire a diverse set of techniques and methods tailored to various body areas. Our structured curriculum unfolds in a sequence that maximizes the potential of major pressure points and meridians. These techniques can be effectively applied in four different postures, offering a versatile toolkit for holistic healing.

It’s important to note that the improvement in muscle tone is a direct result of your dedication to regular practice of the prescribed exercises. Your active involvement in this process is key to achieving the best results. Offers 4hrs CEU’s

Advanced Shiatsu Anma – Immune Boosting

This class will cover Dr. Kaneko’s DoAnn Long Form of Anma and Short Form of Shiatsu and is a way to balance the energy blockages. You will learn various techniques and effective methods for different areas of the body following a structured sequence that utilizes major pressure points and meridians, all within 2 different postures.

Abdominal pressure and manipulative massage techniques enhance the immune system by activating the small intestine’s defense mechanisms and spleen as well as the lymphatic system and solar plexus. Furthermore, it’s essential to nurture and maintain two primary energy sources: the prenatal energy associated with the Kidney and the postnatal energy of the Stomach and Spleen. These energy reservoirs are integral to overall well-being and vitality. Additionally, pressure therapy applied along the spine combined with deep breathing techniques, is essential for regulating the autonomic nervous system, promoting deep relaxation and enhancing the immune system. Offers 4hrs CEU’s

Advanced Shiatsu Anma
Stress Related Issues, Anxiety & Insomnia

Stress, a widespread challenge, can be toxic when it transforms into a severe, chronic condition. It can often lead to insomnia and anxiety, affecting many individuals. To navigate this universal challenge, it’s crucial to establish powerful stress management techniques.

Our long and short form approach offers one of the most natural, safe, and effective methods. During the application of Shiatsu Anma therapy for stress management pressure points, we combine therapeutic abdominal breathing instead of chest breathing focusing on the activation of three of the seven chakras to awaken their essence or vital force, mental power and, spirit.

This technique efficiently tackles stress by harmonizing the connection between the body and mind. This harmonization empowers individuals to rediscover their equilibrium. This approach serves as a gateway to unlocking the body’s inner pharmacy, granting access to essential brain chemistry elements, including natural tranquilizers like serotonin as well as regulating hormones such as melatonin and oxytocin. Offers 4hrs CEU’s

Advanced Shiatsu Anma – Head, Neck & Shoulders

You will learn techniques and methods to effectively address and alleviate common headaches, pain and stiffness of the shoulders and neck due to poor postural management such as computer related issues, sports injuries, occupational injuries, aging, internal organ malfunction and stress related factors. This healing method uses one’s natural healing power though pressure points and meridians in 4 different position utilizing major pressure points and meridians in 3 different postures. Shiatsu and anma therapy is an excellent, alternative, safe and natural healing method which can improve pain and R.O.M.

We have 4 goals which are improving proper alignment, increasing muscle flexibility, increasing circulation and strengthening muscle tone. Improvement in muscle tone can only occur through the consistent practice of the exercises recommended for home use by the patient. Offers 4hrs CEU’s


Shoten Shiatsu Advanced Classes

This form of therapy concentrates on shiatsu points and anma techniques to specific areas effectively treating pain conditions and is called Shoten Shiatsu Anma which means “Focused Finger Pressure.” Unlike many other forms of shiatsu, Shoten Shiatsu Anma focuses on and stays within very small areas for an extended amount of time before possibly moving to other areas. This concentrated effort is part of the key to its success.

Shoten Shiatsu Anma was developed through decades of practice providing tens of thousands of treatments. It is a branch of Kaneko Shiatsu Anma based upon the teaching of Dr. DoAnn Tsuneo Kaneko. The techniques have been developed to reach some specific objectives and ultimately the goal of helping the individuals heal. These objectives include:

*  Spending adequate time in areas to release blockages at tsubo (points)

*  Get ki and blood to flow thus increasing healing

*  Decrease and eliminate pain

*  Release tension in muscle/tendon and soft tissue

*  Relieve the problem in the fewest therapy sessions possible

It is important to note that Shoten Shiatsu Anma has no kata (form). The long form and short taught in our foundational classes are vital to understand how to learn and perform shiatsu anma and to balance the whole body energetically. Here we must begin moving away from the cognitive level and move towards feeling. In doing so, Shoten is a freer flowing shiatsu anma and will change according to each treatment provided with no two being the same. The points that will be shown are more of a guidance that and a rule to follow.  It is a method that is ever changing, never mastered and an ever-learning experience.

Advanced Shiatsu Anma Therapy –  Plantar Fasciitis 

In this four-hour class, participants will identify anatomically the cause of Plantar Fasciitis. Through experiential learning, we will explore how to treat this pain condition according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Shiatsu Anma Theory and specific methods of Shoten (Focused) Shiatsu Anma Therapy eliminating it in as few as one treatment.

Advanced Shiatsu Anma Therapy – Tendonitis

This four-hour class will provide an opportunity to learn specific Shoten (Focused) Shiatsu Anma Therapy techniques to effectively treat Tendinitis. Participants will gain knowledge, experience and understanding of Shiatsu Anma Therapy Practice, Shiatsu Anma Theory and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to help alleviate individuals with tendinitis in as few as two treatments.

Advanced Shiatsu Anma –  Frozen Shoulder

Known as “Goju Kata” is Japanese, Frozen Shoulder, often seen around the age of fifty and is a condition that often takes a year to resolve. This class will teach participants Shoten (Focused) Shiatsu Anma Therapy specific points, Anatomy, Shiatsu Anma Theory and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to effectively treat the pain and increase range of motion for individuals with Frozen Shoulder often alleviating it within 3 months.

Advanced Shiatsu Anma Therapy – Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

This interactive four hour class will provide participants hands-on experience to learn specific techniques to effectively treat individuals diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Together we will explore the condition according to Western Medicine, Anatomy/Physiology, Traditional Chinese Medicine, (TCM) and how specific Shoten (Focused) Shiatsu Anma Therapy techniques can address and often eliminate this pain condition in as few as three treatments.

Advanced Shiatsu Anma Therapy Schedule

Advanced Shiatsu Anma for Low Back Issues Including Sciatica, Piriformis and Hip Flexor Pain – Sunday, April 21, 2024
Time: 10am-2pm PST, 4hrs CEU’s
Place: In person in Pacific Palisades
Fee: $110 Early Bird Special until April 12th
Deadline to register is April 15

Advanced Shiatsu Anma – Plantar Fasciitis – Sunday, June 23, 2024
Time: 10am-2pm PST
Place: In person in Pacific Palisades
Fee: $110 Early Bird Special until June 10, Afterwards $122
Deadline to register is June 17

Advanced Shiatsu Anma – Immune Boosting – TBA
Time: 10am-2pm PST, 4hrs CEU’s
Place: In person in Pacific Palisades
Fee: $110 Early Bird Special until June 24, Afterwards $122

Advanced Shiatsu Anma – Tendonitis – Sunday, August 11, 2024
Time: 10am-2pm PST
Place: In person in Pacific Palisades
Fee: $110 Early Bird Special until July 29, Afterwards $122
Deadline to register is August 5

Advanced Shiatsu Anma – Stress Related Issues, Anxiety & Insomnia – TBA
Time: 10am-2pm PST, 4hrs CEU’s
Place: In person in Pacific Palisades
Fee:$110 Early Bird Special / Otherwise $122

Advanced Shiatsu Anma – Frozen Shoulder – TBA
Time: 10am-2pm PST
Place: In person in Pacific Palisades
Fee:$110 Early Bird Special / Otherwise $122

Advanced Shiatsu Anma – Carpal Tunnel – TBA
Time: 10am-2pm PST
Place: In person in Pacific Palisades
Fee: $110 Early Bird Special / Otherwise $122

Advanced Shiatsu AnmaHead, Neck & Shoulder Pain, TBA
Time: 10am-2pm PST, 4hrs CEU’s
Place: In person in Pacific Palisades
Fee: $110 Early Bird Special / Otherwise $122

**Class Schedule Subject to Change

Class Cautions 

  • Please take all the precautions to keep yourself safe, including but not limited to: Covid-19 testing, screening, taking temperature, wearing masks, wearing face shields, working in a well-ventilated room, washing hands thoroughly and using hand sanitizer.
  • Be knowledgeable of your partners’ health conditions and that practicing shiatsu anma on him/her will not cause any harm
  • If any health conditions, either yours or your partners is questionable regarding the practice of shiatsu anma, please consult your physician for advice
  • Understand that pain can be an indicator that something is wrong. Pay attention and continuously check with your partner that he/she is okay while you are practicing on him/her and that the pressure is not too hard. The concept of “No Pain, No Gain” is not applicable in shiatsu anma.
  • If no one is available to practice on you may use a couch cushion or pillow.