Who doesn’t like monkeys?  We love how they laugh and play! Through Monkey Business’s 5 laughing and monkey play exercises, kids and parents can tap into the body’s healing mechanisms of laughter and exercise while having fun. Laughter, which causes the release of natural hormones, such as endorphins and oxytocin, help children relax, be happy and create positive relationships with those around them. Not only is laughter good for the body and mind, but laughter can also promote family bonding.

Our goal is to create a Music Hands Day to promote family bonding through Music Hands and Monkey Business for parents and children 5-12 to enjoy. Kids will be able to compete for the best Music Hands and Monkey Business performance and get a chance to win prizes. The lessons and story of both our Princess Bamboo book and Music Hands and Monkey Business DVD will be also be presented, as well as Japanese cultural activities. We are aiming for September near the Respect for the Aged Day (Japanese holiday). For more info on the Music Hands Day event click here.

Bring more laughter and play into your life for more joy and vitality! View a clip of our Monkey Business and Music Hands.

