The flu, cold and other viruses are rapidly spreading as we move through winter and cold climates. Are you well prepare? Learn from Dr. Kaneko, a doctor of Chinese medicine and healing practitioners for over 50 years as he shares his knowledge and experiences through applicable techniques and theory. This online series of classes is based upon the integration of Energetic and Quantum medicine. Each class will be 3 hours long. Next class is February 26th.

Class I

Lecture: The Immune System According to Eastern Medicine
* Changing your constitution to boost your immune system
* Healing Paradigm / Integration of Mind, Body and Spirit
* Three realms of your microcosm

* Liandan – Pelvic Floor Exercise
* Daoyin 1- Caring for of Our Major Organs
* Qigong 1 – For the Kidney and Heart Energetic System
* Dantian Breathing 1- Taoist Way and Breath of Fire
* Faith Healing & Chakra

Date: Saturdays, January 29
Time: 9:00am-12:00pm Pacific Standard Time
Registration Fee: $60
Sign up with a friend: $45
To register: Send a Paypal payment to

Send Venmo to Tsuneo-Kaneko and an email to informing us of your name and payment method to confirm registration 

OR Send a Check to Kaneko Healing Arts, PO Box 591, Santa Monica, CA 90406 and an email to informing us of your name and payment method to confirm registration.

To learn more about Dr. Kaneko and Alan Saruwatari, visit

We hope to see you there!
