
Happy New Year!

During the past year, we are thankful for having had the opportunity to serve our communities with our classes to help bring good health, peace and happiness. We value these relationships. Now, the year of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics has just begun! Success in these sports is based on important daily health management. Rather than a goal every few years, be mindful that with the spirit of New Year’s Day, to unite your mind, body, and spirit every single second of every day. This is enlightenment!  Be conscious moment to moment with a cheerfulness that brings you hope, wisdom and a strong vital force to strive and be able to advance towards world happiness and peace. Lastly, keep up your positive breathing.

We hope you benefit from our newsletter’s positive GOOD NEWS. Our apologies that we only have an English version without any Japanese translation, but we nonetheless hope it helps you on your journeys to better health and unconditional happiness. Thank you to everyone’s support of our activities!

This is the year of the Rat, the first of all zodiac signs. The Rat represents the beginning of a new day. They are optimistic, energetic, and likable by all.  Regarding health for the Rat, they have energetic personalities but tire quickly. They may catch colds often and are sensitive to changes in temperature. But despite their weaknesses, they enjoy longevity. Rats should pay attention to their diet and not skip their meals, nor binge after skipping meals which could cause problems in their digestive system. For continued health, make sure to eat breakfast and do moderate exercise!

Best wishes for a healthier, more peaceful and rewarding 2020!

Dr. DoAnn T. Kaneko
Founder, Healer, Teacher
Shindo Spirit

It’s Never Too Late!

The following are 5 stories of health and longevity.

1. According to the Japan Masters Swimming Association, the oldest swimmer who participated in this year’s national tournament approved by the International Swimming Federation was in the age swim group of 105 to 109 years. Nagaoka competed in the women’s 50 meters backstroke. Even though she wasn’t able to finish because her limbs slowed down, she walked away with a smile.

This is my special remark. Nagaoka started swimming at the age of 80 for the purpose of rehabilitation of the injured knee and participated in competitions in Japan and overseas. At 100-years-old she took part in a 1500m freestyle and swam for the first time in the world.

In another part of the world, a Canadian man succeeded in swimming 50 meters freestyle in the age swim group of 105 to 109 years old in 2014.

2. The greatest fully authenticated age to which any human has ever lived is by Jeanne Louise Calment (France) who lived 122 years, 164 days. She led an extremely active life, taking up fencing at 85-years-old and still riding a bicycle at 100 years. Jean played herself at the age of 114 years in the film “Vincent and Me” (1990) – becoming the oldest actress to appear in a film. Her keys to long life were olive oil, port wine, chocolate, and although she enjoyed smoking, she gave it up in 1995.

3. Keizou Miura lived to be 102 years. When he was a young man, he was a daredevil speed skier. When Keizo was 70, he skied down the Himalayas and at 77, Kilimanjaro.  At the age of 88, he completed the full Alps Autoroute course. In February 2004, at the age of 99, he completed skiing down the Mont-Blanc mountain from the Valebranche Glacier. At the age of 100, he skied down Snowbird in the US, with his four-generation family.

4. Keizou’s son, Yuichiro Miura, in April 1966, succeeded in the direct downhill on Mt. Fuji. In May 1970, 39 year old Miura skied downhill from Mount Everest at 8000m (published in the Guinness Book), and the footage became a documentary film titled “The Man Who Skied Down Everest”. It won an Academy Award for best documentary category.  In 1985, he hiked downhill from the highest peak in South America, Aconagua, at the age of 54.

On May 22, 2003, he succeeded to climb up the world’s highest peak of Mount Everest at the age of 70 years and 7 months, the oldest in the world (listed in the Guinness Book). On May 26, 2008, he climbed Everest again at the age of 75. Then he succeeded to re-climb Everest for the third time at the age of 80 on May 23, 2013. He became the oldest climber at Everest.

5. Living more than a century, Dr. Hinohara always keeps himself busy. His schedule is full of appointments for his patients.  He is also known as a great author not only of medical science books but also of instruction books in the ways of life, including his bestseller, “Expert of Life” which sold 1.2 million copies. In addition to his great medical career, Dr. Hinohara’s compassionate, vibrant, and positive character attracts people and gains respect through his books, television and radio programs. He is greatly admired as an inspiration to the older generation.

The common factor in these cases teaches us not to retire from what you’re passionate about. The belief and achievement of your missions add longevity to your lives.  My friends, it makes great sense when one enjoys a healthy long life as a result of eating proper foods, avoiding junk foods, and engaging in proper exercise.  And yet life has the odd story when we don’t always follow a healthy diet and exercise.

For example, there are three long-living centenarians who live in Orange county. According to the interview in the Orange Network magazine (January 2019), these three long-living, happy individuals eat many kinds of food without discrimination. They have no specific diet or nutritious guidance except one guy eats aloe vera every day. The editor concluded that the main factor that leads to a long healthy life among these three  individuals is the fact they enjoy eating whatever they like, they find their purpose in life, and that they volunteer in their community. In addition, they enjoy studying new things.

I conclude that additional to healthy-eating and exercise, staying young at heart is also another key factor of longevity. Well, I would say more than anything else, a joyful, peaceful and happy mind makes a big difference in graceful aging. According to my background, it is important to guide people with the wisdom of divine light and compassion for their unconditional happiness. The fact is that our higher level of perception of life is different from animals. Being spiritual, having rich sensitivities and mindfulness bring us miraculous profound life. What do you think? Please drop me a note about what your secrets to long life are.

You Have Unlimited Potential!

Now talking about longevity, this is what science revealed so far. We have about 60 trillion cells. Within each cell’s nucleus we have DNA with 3 billion information. This is an astronomical number of information within our cells. Of the total of 20,000-25,000 genes that make up our DNA, surprisingly only 5-10% are protein coding, while the remaining 90-95% are noncoding. This majority is dormant and untapped potential.

So why not activate these sleeping genes by turning them on and turning off the negative unhealthy genes? His insight reminds me of an old Japanese saying, “Yamai wa kikara.” In short this means, if you are a happy individual, you won’t get sick. The Japanese also “Warau kado niwa fuku kitaru.” A laughing family brings fortune. These beliefs are exactly what I am teaching and sharing through my meditation and laughter in “Monkey Business.” Therefore I love to believe in his insight of human potential based on our mental, emotional and spiritual essence.

I have a resilient determination to live healthier and longer through the integration of all these three factors of body, mind, and spirit. This is a great way to explore human potential to live up to 120 years but I will be content to be able to live up to 108 years. Am I little bit modest? I believe in having a proactive, persevering spirit, a peaceful life, with unconditional happiness, taking care of others, and sharing positivity with all around us. In Japanese, I would say, “Kuyo, Kuyo, Ira, Ira, Seka, Seka, Shuku, Shuku, Kakka, Kakka sezu, Iki, Iki, Waku, Waku, Nobi, Nobi, Kira, Kira, Ha Ha Ha.”

Don’t be worried, irritated, rushed, distressed or get upset. But live lively, passionately, carefree, brightly, and with humor. Be young at heart !



***Holiday Special***

10% off DVD’s
Anma Meridian Massage Therapy / DoAnn’s Long Form DVD
Anma Meridian Massage Therapy and Shiatsu Pressure Therapy DVD
DoAnn’s ChiGong – Healing Ourselves – DVD
Music Hands and Monkey Business DVD
See below for more info.

Buy one book get a free DVD!

  • Buy The Bamboo Princess & the Music Hands Man and
    get the Music Hands & Monkey Business DVD FREE
  • Buy the Shiatsu & Anma Therapy – DoAnn’s Short & Long Form
    and get the Anma Meridian Massage Therapy / DoAnn’s Long Form FREE

Tsubo /  Pressure Point of the Day

Additional to the gravity pressuring our feet we are on our feet all day long. Our feet are filled by stagnant blood and toxic body fluid. They are the part of the body that charge the mother earth energy directly. Modern science reveals that thousands of nerve endings are located in the feet.  There are numerous clinically reported physiological effects to the rest of the body through massaging?? this nerve reflex system. Stimulation to the powerful pressure points brings surprising effects. It works on many common complaints related to the gastrointestinal system, gynecological area, and stress disorders. There were some reports that after western medicine gave up hope, foot therapy revived one’s life.

According to a clinical trial reported in the Holistic Nursing Practice foot reflexology either alone or with nature sounds “can increase the level of consciousness in comatose patients and reduce the duration of coma

Additionally a study done in Trauma Monthly found positive results of massage therapy for the whole body including the front and back of feet and toes. The study “…revealed that complementary approaches, such as massage therapy, have a beneficial effect on improving vital signs and GCS score of these patients. Furthermore, the involvement of family members should be recognized as one of the most important clinical considerations for all hospitalized patients, especially patients in the ICU, as family members are an effective bridge between patients and medical personnel.” (2014 Aug; 19(3))

Reasons for Effectiveness

#1 It regulates the neuroendocrine system in the brain through a nerve-visceral reflex.  #2 It releases stagnation of blood and fluid, and assists the flow of toxic fluid out of the body and blood back to the heart. #3 The feet are one of the best places to be massaged because it immediately makes us feel so goooood. Therefore it is one of the most effective ways for stress management. There are foot reflexology charts based on nerve ending systems available for further study. But don’t be overwhelmed with the map. Your pure intention and compassion works strongly especially among family related practices. It is very simple and will help you quickly relax. Don’t overlook this simple and effective healing practice for yourself and others. Don’t hesitate to step on your family members’ feet or let them step on your feet.

The Shitsumin Point

The shitsumin point is at the bottom of the feet. Shitsu(lost) min(sleep) in Japanese means insomnia or sleeping disorder.  It is located at the bottom of the heel bone. You can massage and press many points on the sole which makes you feel so good. For example, when you are taking a bath, treat your whole feet with your hands and feet. Or during a sitting yoga practice add this point to your massage. If you want to press this point, the best biomechanical way is lying on your back with bent knees. Roll your feet over a round solid material like a golf ball. Press the Shitsumin point for about 5 seconds and repeat it for about 7 breaths. Try to reach a comfortable, relaxing and peaceful sensation that touches your soul. Then amplify the sensation by deeper breathing and enjoy the happy energy springing out.

It is effective to treat the bottom of the feet in general as well. Try soaking your feet in a warm basin of water for 5-10 minutes. Or try some exercises like squeezing and releasing the feet, or with your legs stretched out, shake both feet right and left for a minute or so. By circulating your Qi and Blood you feel a release of pressure and subsequent lightness and warmth in your entire body. It will also be best to ask your partner or kids to step on your feet in general. This is sole to soul practice.

Additional Foot Points
Pressure point, Kidney 1 called Bubbling Spring above the Shitsumin, is a tremendously powerful point to activate your prenatal energy so that you can be well vitalized. This pressure point also helps poor circulation, water retention and heart ailments. I would include this point for anti-aging. It can provide you with daily stamina.

Kidney 2 (Light Valley or Hiding Dragon) at the arch is another amazing point and supports your growth hormones, infertility, irregular menstruation, uterus, urination, and more. People who have flat feet need great care on this point. Pressure therapy to release a lot of stress to the arch helps spinal alignment. K.2 is a very important area to treat the lower back region.

Have a good relationship with your lovely feet! In the next newsletter I will share pressure points for the abdomen. I will discuss a healthy and unhealthy abdomen as well as how vital your abdomen is and precious for your ultimate health.

Community Classes in Santa Monica
Sunday, January 12 –  March 1, 2020

Orientation January 5th

Qigong & Daoyin Class

Orientation: Sunday, Jan 5 2020
Time: 9:30AM – 11:00AM

Location: Camera Obscura Art Lab
1450 Ocean Ave, Santa Monica, California 90401
Fee: $5 Registration on site

8 week class:
Sundays, January 12, 9:30AM – 10:30AM

There are two cleansing and harmonious Qigong exercises that I will introduce to you.

#1. Baduanjin (known as eight silk-like movements) works on major organs by extending each meridian.

#2.Tree Qigong is used to experience the tree life cycle (from germination to the time the seed drops back into the soil) Let’s experience the divine order of the universe by realizing and practicing the life cycle of the tree that occurs in our life cycle.

Feel energized with the beautiful views of Santa Monica beach. For Baduanjin, I will teach you how to stretch the extremities, spine, and meridians. For Tree Qigong stances you will learn gentle but transformational exercises with vigorous abdominal breathing.
Register for classes at: https://tinyurl.com/y4brenfn.

To learn more visit:

Meditation & Breathing

Orientation: Sunday, Jan 5 2020.
Time: 11:15AM – 12:45PM

Location: Camera Obscura Art Lab
1450 Ocean Ave, Santa Monica, California 90401
Fee: $5 Registration on site

8 week class:
Sunday, January 12, 10:45AM – 11:45AM

Students will learn 6 meditation techniques from the very basic to the advanced. My meditation style is based on a traditional Taoist style that I customized for an easier and more practical approach. It involves lying on the back or sitting, and even some standing or walking. I teach the concept of the Qi and Blood moving into the cellular level through the meridians and channels, with the help of powerful abdominal breathing. Students will be able to apply this method for stress management, anti-aging, and relaxation.
Register at: https://tinyurl.com/y6xdabnm

For more info go to:

Next Shiatsu-Anma Therapy Classes

Advanced Practice Shiatsu Anma Therapy 

Our next class will be an advanced practice in February at a private location in Los Angeles. It will be the Shiatsu-Anma Therapy Pain Series: Upper Extremities. Stay tuned for exact dates!

Shiatsu Anma Therapy Introduction

I will be back at IPSB in Culver City in the Spring and Fall of next year to teach these classes. Stay tuned for dates!


Convention of Nikkei & Japanese Abroad 

This October I was pleased to again attend the 60th Convention of Nikkei & Japanese Abroad. This was attended by about 19 countries and 200 people. It was my 4th year and I have regular member friends. My goal in attending is to network with others that are interested in both holistic health education and supporting childrens’ happy and healthy upbringing.  The Convention was discussed over three days as a Japanese-American Society General Bridge between the Ordinance of Japan and Internationalization. A nikkei is a Japanese emigrant or descendant thereof. The following are some of the topics from the Convention declaration announcement.

  1. Importance of the Convention
    This milestone 60th convention was the first in the “Reiwa” era. The convention, which was attended by Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress, conveyed its sincerest thanks and appreciation to the royal family for their support of Nikkei living throughout the world.
  2. Experience of Japanese society in Japan
    About 30 years have passed since the migrant phenomenon that came to Japan from Central and South America, and the creation of the Nikkei society in Japan. Now more than 300,000 Nikkei people live in Japan. Speaking of their size, they are the third-largest Nikkei community in the world after Brazil and the United States.
  3. Nikkei Legacy
    An International Day of Nikkei on June 20th was declared to spread the legacy of the Nikkei to the world and to promote cooperation among Nikkei societies everywhere.
  4. Establishment of the Nikkei Museum Center Liaison Council
    Nikkei Museums around the world are valuable public places that preserve and share the Nikkei Legacy in the region. In order to enhance the capabilities of each Nikkei museum and make it’s legacy a shared property of the world, it is necessary to exchange and link information between Nikkei museums.
  5. Becoming an active equal partner
    The younger generation, who grew up in Nikkei families, learns and understands Japanese cultural languages ​​and values, leading to confirmation of Nikkei identity.  It is important for children who learn Japanese as a Nikkei to accept multinationality and to support their inherited Japanese language learning in order to maintain the identity of Nikkei.

The next Convention of Nikkei & Japanese Abroad will be next October 2020. Please check their site and join us! https://www.jadesas.or.jp/en/

2019 Year in Review

This year marked a new chapter as I started teaching again more regularly with the City of Santa Monica after the Shiatsu Massage School Of California closed 5 years ago. I am continuing to teach Qigong & Daoyin and now Meditation & Breathing. I love to teach and when I do, I feel like my Qi and blood rises! I am very happy to share my almost 50 years of experience now with a new generation and age group. Although I taught an introductory level course at IPSB (Shiatsu Anma Therapy Intro), which we will have again next Spring and Fall, we are also developing an intermediate program for the future. The IPSB staff and students are excellent and I also give special thanks to Alan Saruwatari and Jessi Joven for assisting me. Please keep an eye on our annoucements for specific dates and join us in Culver City next year!

I am also looking forward to teaching my Advanced Shiatsu-Anma Pain Series class at my home office again next year. The last year’s topic was for the neck/shoulder and lower back/hips. These classes are NCBTMB approved Continual Education for massage therapists. The date is still yet to be determined, but may be early next year.

Mid year we made a trip to Hawaii to explore the opportunity to conduct workshops and connected with an influential member of AMTA who organizes workshops for massage therapists. Olivia Nagashima is a very open, energetic, and lovely healer.  We are in the process of developing a possible 3 day workshop in 2020 for C.E. credit in May. Stay tuned to learn more and hopefully see you in Waikiki Beach!

On another note, we also volunteered at the annual Love to Nippon in March. It was our second year and offered donation based shiatsu massage with the help of these kind hearted shiatsu therapists: Alan Saruwatari, Lee Tran, Steven Yelich. Love to Nippon is a nonprofit organization honoring the lives lost in the 2011 Northern Japan earthquake and tsunami and also supporting the recovering and rebuilding efforts in the damaged regions.

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