1. Many Japanese acupuncturists practice bodywork, Anma ( meridian massage), Japanese Shiatsu, pressure therapy, and many different kinds of Kyousei-Ho (Japanese style chiropractic manipulation) along with Acupuncture therapy. These therapists are taking care of their patients independently without acupuncture. This is how the Japanese Acupuncture School structures its curriculum based on the government’s definition. These powerful manual therapies are within the scope of practice both in China, Japan, and the USA. (In Japan, acupuncturists need a pharmaceutical license to prescribe herbal medicine.

2.  Many medical insurances cover acupuncture now but the general public still reserves some fear of needles for many reasons. Shiatsu and Anma can almost achieve similar results to acupuncture in general. It is an advantage for Acupuncturists to know this non-invasive stimulation alternative. Shiatsu and Anma are similar to the very popular Reiki healing, Taichi, and Qigong. The hands hold amazing power and people feel very comfortable receiving warm, gentle, and tender treatments. Do you remember when your mother, father, and grandparents simply applied their hands to communicate with love? That is what your patients love too.

3. We are not replacing western medicine with mechanical, technical, systematic, and logical influences. We are practicing holistic medicine. Soothing energies of smiling, talking, and touching are essential elements of healing. Manual therapy should be almost included in many ways to make your patients very comfortable, and relaxed and benefit from the additional healing experience.

4. It is not just another alternative. If you combine both acupuncture and manual therapy it enhances the results by doubling the effects. When you orchestrate your healing modalities, you need to include many other methods but not overlook manual therapies.

5. Acupuncture is powerful and yet your patients will enjoy these complementary treatments since it makes up for the limits of acupuncture therapy. For example, how can you expect the direct results of stretching, manipulation, and traction in acupuncture therapy? Acupuncture may have only an indirect effect in these areas. The Anma kneading technique is amazingly powerful to release tensions of the skeletal muscles and soft tissue damage as a cross-fiber effect.  It is like Chinese Tuina Massage.

6. Shiatsu and Anma requires strength to practice but is easier to apply and safer to handle. Additionally, abdominal massage in Anma therapy directly and mechanically affects the major organs and is excellent to combine with cupping.

7. Diagnosis through palpation is extremely important in TCM. The hands that are palpating the tissues are tools themselves to treat the issues at the same time. In western medicine, the diagnosis and treatment are often separate procedures through blood samples, Xrays, and MRI. It is the beauty of TCM to treat as we find energy blockages simultaneously.

8. One of your specialties is prescribing acupuncture points to your patients. It is very easy to understand this self-healing modality by pressing these vital points when they receive pressure therapy. It is extremely important to educate them on how to use these pressure points according to their needs while at home.

9. Chinese herbs are powerful. When your patients can’t afford to continue purchasing herbs, we recommend medicinal foods, self-applied abdominal massage, and pressure therapy. This is the way to motivate them to be proactive, be responsible for their issues, and not always depend on therapists. You are there to assist, cultivate and maximize their own healing power.

10. You will learn a 1-hour entire sequence covering more than 100 effective pressure points with more than 10 kinds of unique techniques in 3 positions (prone, supine, and sitting). You will be able to apply these techniques and pressure points for many common pain issues found in the neck-shoulder, lower back, sciatica, G.I., and  G.Y.N. ailments.

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