We’ve arrived at a new normal and many are in panic mode. With the increase of fatal multi-drug resistant infections, we want to transform this ongoing stress to the opportunity to change our lifestyle to be a protective one. I am pleased that the general public has stepped up and begun taking more precautions with better hygiene practices. I am publishing a newsletter soon and quoting this issue but you can visit the following link for more info. https://www.who.int/news-room/detail/29-04-2019-new-report-calls-for-urgent-action-to-avert-antimicrobial-resistance-crisis.

UN Ad hoc Interagency Coordinating Group on Antimicrobial Resistance who released the report – warned that “drug-resistant diseases could cause 10 million deaths each year by 2050 and damage to the economy as catastrophic as the 2008-2009 global financial crisis. By 2030, antimicrobial resistance could force up to 24 million people into extreme poverty.”

Traditional Chinese medicine (T.C.M.) has remarkable promise to treat and prevent these illnesses along with western medicine. Reports from China mention how Qigong practice and specifically a type of Qigong called Baduanjin, has been applied to patients with COVID-19 in China. This is exactly what I practice and have taught over 4 decades. I have many self-healing programs to share with you and will do so in our next newsletter. See the below photo demonstrating a stance that is good for strengthening the respiratory and lung function.

Xiaogan Chinese Medical Hospital in Xiaogan city, central China’s Hubei province, Feb 25, 2020. [Photo/Xinhua]

This is an example from the article about the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat COVID-19 patients.

Hu Yuzhen, 52, one of the recovered patients, was very resistant to TCM treatment at first and strongly requested to be transferred to another hospital.

“I feel a little embarrassed now, since I knew nothing about TCM before,” Hu said. “After four days’ treatment, I recovered quickly and could even do some exercise. I’ve asked doctors to give me some TCM advice after returning home. It is really amazing.”

Hu’s attending physician, Zhu Ying, vice-president of the First Hospital of Hunan University of Chinese Medicine, said she managed to relieve the patients’ anxieties through massage and let them do baduanjin, a traditional Chinese fitness activity.

“All these TCM methods largely improve patients’ immunity system and help defeat the virus. We are confident that all patients will be cured in the next month,” said Zhu, whose team has cured 14 patients so far.”

I hope you have time to look at the rest of the article here: 23 recover from virus after TCM treatments. More recent articles, such as one from March 17, show the updated numbers of TCM use in treatment protocols. According to an article in chinadaily.com, “Official figures showed that, up to Sunday, 91.6 percent of the patients in Hubei province, the epicenter of the outbreak, and 92.4 percent of the patients nationwide have been treated with TCM.” Chinadaily.com. To read more visit 6 effective traditional Chinese medicines for COVID-19. You can also view this review of TCM and its use treating past viruses.

Here is one of the Chinese formulas used for prevention purposes of COVID-19. This was from a Webinar for TCM Practitioners, by Dr. John Chen, PharmD, PhD, OMD.

If you want to hear about the 4 phases of Corona disease and recommended Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment, you can watch this informative and in-depth webinar here:  How Coronavirus (COVID-19) is treated with TCM in China  (starts at 22:37min) Although this video was geared towards TCM practitioners I hope you find it useful as well. Feel free to watch the other parts of the webinar.

Among the topics it covers is
1. Coronavirus (Covid-19) – a brief discussion on pathology and treatment from Western medicine perspectives
2. Coronavirus (Covid-19) – detailed discussion on pattern differentiation and treatment from TCM perspectives
a. How herbs work based on Chinese herbology
b. How herbs work based on Western pharmacology
c. What to use as substitutes if certain herbs are unavailable, such as Ma Huang (Herba Ephedrae) and Xi Xin (Radix et Rhizoma Asari)

If you have questions about this video, send an email to info@elotus.org.

Stay well,

Dr. DoAnn T. Kaneko




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